Source code for mzutils.control_models

from typing import Union, List

import numpy as np

[docs]class PIDModel(object): def __init__( self, Kp: Union[None, float, List[float]], Ki: Union[None, float, List[float]], Kd: Union[None, float, List[float]], setpoints: List[float], lower_bounds: Union[None, float, List[float]] = None, upper_bounds: Union[None, float, List[float]] = None, steady_actions: Union[None, List[float]] = None): """ :param Kp: proportional gain :param Ki: integral gain :param Kd: derivative gain :param setpoints: setpoints (steady states) for the PID controller output :param lower_bounds: lower bounds for the PID controller output :param upper_bounds: upper bounds for the PID controller output :param steady_actions: actions to be used when the setpoints are reached, optional. If given, the control will be around the steady actions. """ len_c = len(setpoints) self.len_c = len_c if isinstance(Kp, float): Kp = [Kp for i in range(len_c)] if isinstance(Ki, float): Ki = [Ki for i in range(len_c)] if isinstance(Kd, float): Kd = [Kd for i in range(len_c)] if steady_actions is None: # do not adjust bias steady_actions = [0.0 for i in range(len_c)] if lower_bounds is None or isinstance(lower_bounds, float): lower_bounds = [lower_bounds for i in range(len_c)] if isinstance(lower_bounds[0], float): lower_bounds = [lower_bounds[i] - steady_actions[i] for i in range(len_c)] if upper_bounds is None or isinstance(upper_bounds, float): upper_bounds = [upper_bounds for i in range(len_c)] if isinstance(upper_bounds[0], float): upper_bounds = [upper_bounds[i] - steady_actions[i] for i in range(len_c)] from simple_pid import PID self.pids = [] for i in range(len_c): self.pids.append(PID(Kp[i], Ki[i], Kd[i], setpoint=setpoints[i], output_limits=( lower_bounds[i], upper_bounds[i]))) self.steady_actions = steady_actions
[docs] def predict(self, state): """ :param state: control state of the system. The state is a list of length len_c, each of the element cooresponding to an action. """ assert len(state) == self.len_c actions = [] for i in range(len(state)): self.pids[i](state[i]) actions.append(self.pids[i](state[i]) + self.steady_actions[i]) actions = np.array(actions) return actions